

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a restorative, minimal-invasive treatment option, that can improve the shape, harmony and color of teeth. If you want a more balanced, brighter, or simply a different smile, veneers are probably the ideal solution for you.  Although very delicate restorations, they are extremely resilient when bonded to enamel. Your desired shape, shade, for a more brighter & youthful appearance.

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Smile Design

The smile is a critical aspect of the face. The enchancement of a smile will bring out confidence, warmth & youthful appearance.

Start the design of your smile !


Dental Aesthetics procedures

  • Dental Crowns

    Dental crowns are used to restore function and esthetics of structurally compromised teeth and dental implants. All crowns are made from porcelain. Depending on the case , we will select the best treatment option for esthetics and longevity.Porcelain restorations have beautiful value and a gradient translucency. Together with natural shape and texture design, restorations have a lively beauty !

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  • Veneers

    Veneers are a restorative, minimal-invasive treatment option, that can improve the shape, harmony and color of teeth. If you want a more balanced, brighter, or simply a different smile, veneers are probably the ideal solution for you. Although very delicate restorations, they are extremely resistant when bonded to enamel. When using veneers to restore a smile, you can choose any shade, and the color change is permanent.

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  • Teeth whitening

    Teeth whitening is a non-invasive procedure that brightens your smile. Results for teeth whitening are variable, depending on tooth structure. On average you can get shades 1-2 times brighter. It is recommended for all adult patients who wish to brighter their smile.

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DR. TOM KALILI, DMD, QME is the founder and CEO of NuBrace which has significant benefits over other clear removable orthodontics. Which include :

FDA clearance

No invasives brackets, wires or attachments/ buttons.

Removable: Users can take them off when they eat and brush their teeth.

Flossing is a breeze : Since there are no interferences of wire or attachments.


Of our patients


Dr. Tom Kalili

DR. TOM KALILI, DMD, QME utilizes 20 years of UCLA Faculty expertise in conjunction to 64 scientific research publications in International and Americain meetings, coupled with the most technologically advanced modern office, to give you the healthiest celebrity smile.

“So whether you are 12 needing clear orthodontics or 50 and want to get that youthful smile, we are here with open arms to make your dream become a reality”-DR. TOM KALILI, DMD, QME

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